Our goals at the Cardiac Kids Foundation of Florida are:
To completely eradicate congenital heart defects by spreading awareness and raising funds through local charitable initiatives;
To fund research about the treatment and prevention of pediatric and congenital heart disease;
To provide assistance to the families of children with heart disease in need of medical and/or surgical care and supplies; and
To provide information, education, lifesaving care, and modernized training to under resourced medical teams in other communities via our annual heart surgery mission trips.
Headed up by Dr. Jeffrey Jacobs and his team, our mission trips to Jamaica have already saved many precious, young lives; and have allowed us to capacitate the medical and surgical teams at the Bustamante Hospital for Children with the knowledge, training, and skills needed to continue saving lives well into the future.
We are immensely proud of the what we have achieved on our mission trips so far. Over the past 17 years, we’ve been privileged to help many families get the proper care and attention that their own Cardiac Kid has desperately needed.
10 lives per year times 20 years = 200 lives!!
Partnership, Teamwork, and Sustainability = Thousands of Lives
*Click a mission below to see the results
February 4, 2023 to February 12, 2023
CKFoF Jamaican Mission 13 (Sponsored by Edwards Life Sciences):
At the completion of this mission, our mission has now performed 133 index pediatric cardiovascular operations in Jamaica
12 Pediatric Heart Operations in February 2023 (9 done by the local Jamaican surgeon Sherard Little with our assistance):
3 Ventricular Septal Defect Repair
2 Double Chambered Right Ventricle (DCRV)
2 Complex mitral valve repairs for rheumatic heart disease
1 AV Canal with intact atrial septum repair
1 Atrial Septal Defect Repair
1 Coarctation repair via left thoracotomy with extended end-to-end repair (neonate)
1 Carotid cutdown and balloon valvotomy of aortic valve (neonate)
1 Pericardial Window

March 11th 2017 – March 19th 2017
Johns Hopkins All Children’s Heart Institute CKFoF Jamaican Mission 12 (Sponsored by Edwards Life Sciences)
At the completion of this mission, our mission has now performed 121 index pediatric cardiovascular operations in Jamaica
- 11 Pediatric Heart Operations (7 done by the local Jamaican surgeon Sherard Little with our assistance):
- 3 Mitral Valve Repairs, including 2 Complex mitral valve repairs forrheumatic disease
- 3 VSD
- 1 Tricuspid valve Repair
- 1 Multiple VSD
- 1 Tetralogy of Fallot
- 1 Double Chambered Right Ventricle
- 1 Glenn
- 10 children with cardiac disease were seen and evaluated in Opinion Clinic.
- 1 Edwards Life Sciences Cardiac Teaching Course
- 1 Critical Care Teaching Course for nurses
March 12th 2016 – March 20th 2016
Johns Hopkins All Children’s Heart Institute / CKFoF Jamaican Mission 11 (Sponsored by Edwards Life Sciences):
At the completion of this mission, our mission has now performed 111 pediatric cardiovascular operations in Jamaica
- 9 Pediatric Heart Operations: (7 done by the local Jamaican surgeon Sherard Little with our assistance)
- 8 open hearts:
- 1 Double outlet right ventricle repair (DORV) repair
- 1 Ventricular septal defect (VSD) repair
- 1 Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) repair
- 1 Complex mitral valve repair for rheumatic heart disease
- 1 Complex aortic valve repair and mitral valve repair for rheumatic heart disease
- 1 Complete atrioventricular canal repair
- 1 Partial atrioventricular canal repair
- 1 three kilogram infant with aortic coarctation
- 8 open hearts:
- 9 Cardiac Catheterizations:
- 7 transcatheter interventions:
- 5 patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure
- 1 atrial septal defect (ASD) device closure
- 1 pulmonary valve balloon valvotomy
- 2 diagnostic cardiac catheterizations
- 7 transcatheter interventions:
- 12 children with cardiac disease were seen and evaluated in Opinion Clinic.
- 1 Edwards Life Sciences Wet Lab Mitral Valve Repair Teaching Course:
- for Residents and Fellows and Jamaican Cardiac Surgery Faculty
April 19th 2015 – April 24th 2015
CKFoF Jamaican Mission 10 (Sponsored by Edwards Life Sciences):
- 7 Cardiac Operations: (5 done by the local Jamaican surgeon Sherard Little with our assistance)
- 2 Partial AV Canal Repair
- 1 Mitral valve repair
- 1 Aortic valve repair + VSD
- 1 Central systemic-to-pulmonary shunt
- 1 Aortic coarctation repair
- 1 redo sternotomy with replacement of RV to PA Conduit
- 22 cardiac patients seen and evaluated in Opinion Clinic
- 1 Wet Lab Teaching Course: (April 22nd 2015)
- Where we trained multiple Jamaican surgeons and trainees in the techniques of mitral valve repair for rheumatic heart disease.
- 1 half day lecture series and teaching course (April 23rd 2015)
May 11th 2014 – May 18th 2014
CKFoF Jamaican Mission 9 (Sponsored by Edwards Life Sciences):
- 11 Cardiac Operations: (7 done by the local Jamaican surgeon Sherard Little with our assistance)
- 2 VSD repair
- 1 Truncus arteriosus repair
- 2 Mitral valve repair (one with concomitant ascending to descending aorta bypass)
- 1 TOF repair
- 1 Coarctation repair
- 1 redo sternotomy LVOTO and RVOTO status post prior TGA-VSD-PS
- 1 Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Drainage Repair
- 1 Partial AV Canal Repair
- 1 Complete AV Canal Repair
- 9 Cardiac Catheterizations:
- 3 PDA device closures
- 2 percutaneous pulmonary valves balloon dilations
- 4 diagnostic Cardiac Catheterizations
April 1st 2013 – April 7th 2013
CHIF/CKFoF Jamaican Mission 8 (Sponsored by the Larry King Cardiac Foundation and Edwards Life Sciences):
- 9 Cardiac Operations: (7 done by the local Jamaican surgeon Sherard Little with our assistance)
- 3 TOF repair
- 2 Mitral valve repair
- 1 Cardiac Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Drainage Repair
- 1 VSD repair
- 1 Pulmonary Artery Band for Multiple VSD with Swiss Cheese Septum
- 1 Central systemic-to-pulmonary shunt
- 9 Cardiac Catheterizations
- 1 Wet Lab Teaching Course:
- The “Larry King Wet Lab Teaching Course” on April 6, 2013, where we trained multiple Jamaican surgeons and trainees in the techniques of mitral valve repair for rheumatic heart disease.
April 14th 2012 – April 24th 2012
CHIF/CKFoF Jamaican Mission 7 (Sponsored by the Larry King Cardiac Foundation Edwards Life Sciences):
- 11 children underwent cardiovascular surgery:
- 5 TOF
- 2 Mitral valve repair
- 1 Complete AV Canal
- 1 Blalock-Taussig shunt and pulmonary artery arterioplasty
- 1 Right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction status post prior TOF repair
- 1 VSD
- 9 children underwent Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization & Angiography
- 2 children underwent Transcatheter device closure of ASD
- 70 children were seen and evaluated in the out-patient cardiology clinic with echocardiography
- 1 half day teaching course:
- “The Fourth Annual Larry King – CHIF –Bustamante Teaching Programme and Nursing Training Symposium” (April 14, 2012)
April 4th 2011 – April 11th 2011
CHIF/CKFoF Jamaican Mission 6 (Sponsored by the Larry King Cardiac Foundation):
- 16 children underwent cardiovascular surgery:
- 7 TOF
- 1 Aortic valve repair
- 1 Atrial septectomy
- 1 Bidirectional Glenn
- 1 Complete AV Canal
- 1 Central shunt
- 1 Double Chambered Right Ventricle (DCRV)
- 1 Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV)
- 1 Mitral valve repair
- 1 Mitral valve repair – redo
- 7 children underwent Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization & Angiography
- 2 children underwent Transcatheter Pulmonary Balloon Valvotomy
- 1 Full day teaching course:
- “The Third Annual Larry King – CHIF – CHMA – Bustamante Teaching Programme in Pediatric Cardiac Disease”
February 23rd 2010 – March 5th 2010
CHIF/CKFoF Jamaican Mission 5 (Sponsored by the Larry King Cardiac Foundation):
- 18 children underwent cardiovascular surgery:
- 8 TOF
- 2 Complete AV Canal
- 1 Redo sternotomy TOF S/P shunt
- 1 BT Shunt for tricuspid atresia
- 1 Bilateral bidirectional Glenn
- 1 Redo sternotomy Fontan S/P Glenn
- 2 mitral valve repairs for rheumatic mitral regurgitation
- 1 VSD + ASD
- 6 children underwent Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization & Angiography
- 7 children underwent Electrophysiology Studies (EPS)
- 3 Intracardiac EPS
- 4 Transesophageal EPS
- 3 children underwent Electrophysiology Studies with radiofrequency ablation (RFA)
- 1 Dual Chamber Pacemaker Implantation
- 1 Full day teaching course:
- “The Second Annual Larry King – CHIF – CHMA – Bustamante Teaching Programme in Pediatric Cardiac Disease” with 125 attendees
April 14th 2009 – April 23rd 2009
CHIF Jamaican Mission 4 (Sponsored by the Larry King Cardiac Foundation):
- 14 children underwent cardiovascular surgery:
- 1 Tetralogy of Fallot/AV Canal – Complete Repair
- 5 Tetralogy of Fallot – Complete Repair
- 2 AV Canal – Complete Repair
- 3 Ventricular Septal Defect Repair
- 1 Aortic coarctation repair
- 1 Modified Blalock-Taussig Shunt
- 1 femoral arteriovenous fistula repair
- 4 children underwent Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization & Angiography
- 4 children underwent Electrophysiology Studies (EPS)
- 1 Intracardiac EPS
- 3 Transesophageal EPS
- 1 Full day teaching course with 164 attendees (2/3 nurses and 1/3 physicians):
- “The First Annual Larry King – CHIF – CHMA – Bustamante Teaching Programme in Pediatric Cardiac Disease”
March 31st 2008 – April 6th 2008
CHIF/CHMA Jamaican Mission 3:
- 9 children underwent open heart surgery:
- 5 Ventricular Septal Defect Repairs
- 4 Tetralogy of Fallot – Complete Repair
October 14th 2007 – October 19th, 2007
CHIF/CHMA Jamaican Mission 2:
- 7 children underwent open heart surgery:
- 5 Ventricular Septal Defect Repair
- 2 Atrial Septal Defect Repair
October 5th 2006
CHIF/CHMA Jamaican Mission 1:
- Fact Finding Mission – No Surgery

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Do you have an Amazon account? Start Shopping with AmazonSmile. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. Help support The Cardiac Kids Foundation of Florida by starting your shopping at smile.amazon.com.